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Scripting BrainVoyager from Matlab via COM

To use BrainVoyager's scripting functions from Matlab, the following document is available:


Table of contents

1 Introduction
2 Creating documents
3 Preprocessing functional data
4 Transformations
5 Experimental design
6 Statistical analysis
7 Surface meshes
8 Using NeuroElf

(containing bvprotocol_to_bvdesignmatrix.m, coregister_fmr_vmr_create_vtc.m, create_cgobjects_protocol.m, create_fmr_document.m, create_mtc_file.m, create_multiple_vtcs.m, create_multistudy_designmatrix.m, create_vmrdocument_via_interface.m, CreateVMRTransformToTALandMNI.m, diffusion_weighted_data.m, intra_session_alignment.m, isovoxel_vmr.m, meshes.m, MeshLoading.m, MeshMTCSingleStudyGLM.m, preprocess_fmr.m, preprocess_vtc.m)


Note: the LoadVOIFile() function temporarily does not work in BV22.2; the issue is fixed since BrainVoyager 23.2. The equivalent function in Python load_vois() works fine.