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Regions of Interest

Creation of an anatomically defined region of interest in volume space (VOI)
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.4 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more
Creation of a spherical region of interest in volume space (VOI)
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more
Import regions of interest from brain atlases in MNI space (VOI)
Next to the possibility to define regions of interest based on the individual an... more
Creation of a functionally based region of interest in volume space (VOI)
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data It can be... more
Creation of a region of interest in FMR space (ROI)
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more
Creation of patches of interest in surface space (POI)
Patches of Interest (POI) in surface space are comparable to volumes of interest... more
Spatial transformations of VOIs - to Native, ACPC, Talairach and MNI Space
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more
ROI to VOI and VOI to ROI conversion
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more
VOI to POI and POI to VOI conversion
BrainVoyager version: 22.4.6 Dataset used: Getting Started Guide data This docu... more