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How to combine BrainVoyager with external tools: Import and Export of Data

There is a multitude of options to combine BrainVoyager with external tools. 

Common Tools for Using BrainVoyager Files Externally

NeuroElf: a Matlab toolbox

bvbabel: A lightweight Python library for reading & writing BrainVoyager file formats

Both tools allow  to import, check, adapt and export most available BrainVoyager formats.

In general, the best approach will depend on the specific file format(s) one wants to import into BrainVoyager or export to utilize externally.


NIfTI Format

The most widespread approach is to utilize the NIfTI (nii) format.

To import and export NIfTI files, one can use either the “Open / Save NIfTI” option within the "File" menu or select .nii files when loading map files via the VMP dialog.

Also the NIfTI plugin for BrainVoyager as well as NeuroElf and bvbabel can be used.

More help about the NIfTI import and export can be found within the BrainVoyager Users Guide in the section 'Coordinates and Transformations' as well as on the BrainVoyager helpdesk:


It is also advised to have a look at the NIfTI tab in the “Settings” of BrainVoyager.

The nii import in BrainVoyager can also be used to import available atlas databases (e.g. the SPM anatomy toolbox) and apply the information to data / results within BrainVoyager. More information can be found here:



Human Readable File Formats

In addition to these pathways, “simple” formats (like e.g. *.prt, *.mdm, *.sdm, *.voi, *.roi, *.fmr, *.html files) can also be opened and adapted within tools like text editors, Excel, Word and statistical packages.


Freesurfer MGH/MGZ file and 3D Numply Arrays

In addition to the nii format, BrainVoyager also allows to import Freesurfer MGH/MGZ file and 3D Numply Arrays via the “Options” menu.


GIfTI Format

Since BrainVoyager 23.0, GIFTI files are supported as a native format.

A GIFTI mesh file can be loaded directly from the 'Meshes' menu using the 'Load GIFTI Mesh' or 'Add GIFTI Mesh' item. GIFTI functional map ('.func.gii') files are supported and converted into surface maps. They can be loaded like a BrainVoyager SMP by using the 'Load' button in the 'Surface Maps' dialog. GIFTI 'Label' and 'Border' files are alos supported and converted into POIs. They can be loaded by selecting the file type 'GIFTI label files (.label.gii)' or 'GIFTI border files (.border)' in the 'File Type' selection box of standard 'Open File' dialogs that appear when clicking the 'Load' button in the 'Patches-Of-Interest' dialog.